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Using the Mor-Slo 10-stop in Scotland

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Brian Rueb

Barren, rocky, mountains floating in the mist, the ruins of historic castles, and rugged coastlines — I wanted to see it all. Once I began my career in landscape photography, it wasn’t a matter of if I would finally make it to Scotland… only when. This past summer, after a couple marvelous weeks in Iceland, my travels took me to Scotland to spend three weeks scouting for upcoming Aperture Academy workshops. I had done my research, and spent months on-line …

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Kevin McNeal uses his Mor-Slo 10-Stop ND to create more radiant images during the magic hours

In Equipment & Technique, Scenes & Scenarios by Kevin McNeal

Among the many professional outdoor photographers who have greeted Singh-Ray’s Mor-Slo 10-stop ND filter is Kevin McNeal. It didn’t take him long to try the filter and send us this helpful report on using the filter during the “magic hours” around sunrise and sunset. “For me, one of the most challenging tasks in landscape photography,” says Kevin, “is shooting long exposures during the periods of sunrise and sunset when the sun is brightly visible. Over the years I have gotten …

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How super-simple it is to create extremely-long exposures with the new 10-Stop Mor-Slo ND filter

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Tom Bol

There have been so many times when I’ve found myself at an impressive river scene or rocky coast line with the mid-day sun beaming straight down. Very bright light creates a challenge for me since I like to shoot rivers, streams, water falls, and seashore surf at very slow shutter speeds to get that soft-silky look to the moving water. In such situations, I like to expose my image for 10 seconds or longer. But even if I set my …

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Tony Sweet finds Singh-Ray’s 10-Stop Mor-Slo filter delivers long-exposures without all the clean-up

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Tony Sweet

There is an obvious color cast — mostly strong magenta — that can sometimes be dramatic and nice, and at other times dramatic and problematic. Rather than taking time to color correct such images on the computer, which can be quite time consuming with less than acceptable results, I’ve opted more often to converting the image to black and white, which works to my satisfaction much of the time. But, what if color is the reason for making the image? …