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Photographing Pinnacles National Park With IPHONE 11 Pro Max And Singh-Ray Cell Phone Neutral Polarizer!

In Polarizing Filters by Don Smith

I decided to take a hike in Pinnacles National Park, which is located about 35 miles from my home along the east-side entrance of Highway 25. My main goal was to get in a good workout. I parked at the Western Visitor’s Center parking lot and headed up towards the Pinnacles High Peaks via the Condor Peaks Trail and returned down the Condor Gulch Trail. The total distance was 5.4 miles with an elevation gain of 1,591 feet. Besides water …

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Singh-Ray Landscape Filter Combo

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters by Tom Bol

I photograph a lot of landscapes, and many times filters will transform the shot into something special. I’ve always tried to create my work in the field, not later in post-production, camera craft is very important to me. I just returned from photographing in Sedona for a week, and filters were invaluable there.  I was teaching a workshop with my wife, we had a great group, and filter use became a popular topic in the field.  During class I mentioned …

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The Reverse Graduated ND Filter

In Equipment & Technique, ND Filters by Andrew McLachlan

Back in the days of film getting the right exposure in the field was a critical step, especially scenes where the dynamic range was greater than the contrast range of film. Scenes such as sunrise and sunset posed a challenge until Singh Ray and the late Galen Rowell pioneered Graduated Neutral Density Filters. These filters allowed photographers to control the dynamic range in a scene by selecting an appropriate filter density for the situation at hand.   A Graduated Neutral Density Filter is darkest at the top of the filter, gradually fades toward the middle, with the bottom half …

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Mor-Slo ND Filters

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When the 5 Stop or 10 Stop Mor-Slo Filters are not enough but a 15 Stop Mor-Slo is too much, try 13 Stops. We can make additional stops of density filters for your specific needs. Size:-  many various sizes, it’s all up to you. Price:- Variable (contact us for pricing and to discuss dimensions)

The Story Behind The Legendary Galen Rowell

In by Galen Rowell

Galen Rowell, the legendary adventure and nature photographer, was one of my photographic idols from the time I first got into photography at the age of twelve. When I had the opportunity to work with him at his Mountain Light Gallery for what would be the last three years of his life, I was a sponge, soaking up every ounce of wisdom and insight that I could. In the process, I taught Galen a thing or two as well, but …

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Choosing the Right ND Filter

In Black & White, Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Cole Thompson

I assist with the occasional photo workshop (John Barclay Photo Tours) and I am seeing something that bothers me. Participants are coming with a 10-stop ND filter and wanting to do 30-second or longer exposures. There’s always disappointment when they learn this filter will only give them a few seconds. I’m not claiming that I’m an expert, but I do shoot a lot of long exposures and would like to share my thoughts on choosing the right ND filter. This …