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Enjoying the use of the Vari-N-Trio for shallow-focus imaging in bright daylight

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, Scenes & Scenarios by Ryan Marko

Photography allows me to get out of the office and into the fresh air. I enjoy photography as a way to capture outdoor images that are simple, yet rich with natural beauty and color. I recently purchased a used Canon 5D along with the 24-70mm f/2.8 Canon zoom lens. I have found that taking good pictures at mid-day when the sun is out in full force is very difficult, especially when I want to use a very shallow depth of …

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Visiting Joshua Tree National Park to commune with the ancient boulders

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Cole Thompson

It was the first time I had visited since 1987 when my wife and I went camping there. Coincidentally, our trip occurred right after U2 had introduced their new album “Joshua Tree,” and I remember listening to it non-stop as we sunned ourselves on the large round boulders at the park. The music and that location are positively and indelibly intertwined in my memory. Each time I hear those songs, I am transported back in time. So it was with …

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Discovering the pleasures of shooting skyscapes

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Mario Fazekas

I have specialized in wildlife photography since 1995 and focused primarily on the ‘big-five’ African animals. Then recently I realized there are so many great landscape photographs yet to be captured everywhere we go. As a result, I bought a polarizer and some ND grads from a popular filter company, but I was never pleased with the results. Seeing some of Darwin Wiggett’s photographs was the turning point for me — I saw that he uses Singh-Ray filters, so I …

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Disguised as a wandering landscape photographer to capture New York City

In Action Shots, City/Urban, Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Sean Widker

Los Angeles, It was a big sprawling city even in those days. One block looked like the next. I don’t have any photography to speak of from those days because I always felt that nature was elsewhere. I’ve never looked back and, through my photographic travels and workshops, I’ve been treated to some of the most beautiful and scenic locations imaginable. The National and State parks throughout the American West are my home and photographic focus. Nevertheless, I recently had …

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Steve Kossack’s new location moves him closer to his two favorite national parks

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Steve Kossack

I’ve just visited two of my most favorite National Parks now that they are closer than ever, When I first moved to the deserts of Arizona ten years ago, I considered Page AZ but did not move there. Instead I went a couple of hundred miles south to the small town of Cottonwood, about 100 miles north of Phoenix. For more than a decade, Phoenix served as a terrific base for conducting my various photo workshops throughout the western states. …

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Reflections of this year’s visit to the splendors of Glacier National Park

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios, Wildlife by Steve Kossack

Sometimes I wonder whether success in any creative art is more dependent on the singer or the song? That is to say, is it really the photographer or the place? Over the years, I’ve come to realize excellent outdoor images can be made almost anywhere at any time. Nevertheless, that rationalization fades from memory when I find myself surrounded by the awesome grandeur of our nation’s National Parks, and one in particular. Although it’s in a remote location, Glacier National …

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Relocating my Photo Business to Nevada has Become a Moving Experience

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Steve Kossack

Moving forward always gives a better view to the past. As I get set to move after a decade in one place, all the years of field photography, and especially the resulting images, now come to the forefront with different thoughts and emotions attached. The images that have special merit are the ones that have found their way into my heart and then onto my walls. They have literally stood the test of time, Now, as I move them to …

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Highlighting the many creative possibilities of photographing water with filters

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Olaf Bathke

One of my very favorite photographic subjects — besides people — is water. We can find so many creative possibilities in water photography because it’s almost always moving, it takes on different colors, reflects light and forms so many different shapes. In water photography, it is so easy to get really unique results. All that’s required is hard work, lots of experience and the right equipment. Most of the time water is involved in something interesting like giving sand, stones, …

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On the narrowest trails in the most faraway corners of the world

In Equipment & Technique, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Portraits, Scenes & Scenarios by Nevada Wier

Believe me, my filters are important. In particular three kinds of Singh-Ray filters go with me everywhere. There’s a Hi-Lux filter on each of my lenses, and I also carry a 77mm LB Warming Polarizer and a 77mm Vari-ND filter. Each one of these filters is essential and fits neatly in my camera bag that I have to carry around all day. I keep a Hi-Lux UV filter on each lens because I want the best possible glass between my …

Learning to photograph where we are, prepares us to photograph anywhere we go

In Equipment & Technique by Sean Widker

Like many serious landscape photographers,Chris Moore finds that balancing the demands of a busy career, family life, and the search for dramatic landscapes is a challenge. “With just a couple of weeks a year to travel to exotic places,” says Chris, “my appetite for landscape photography has to be fulfilled close to home most of the time. Since integrating Singh-Ray filters into my workflow over the past year, however, I’m capturing more dramatic images wherever I’m shooting. It’s mostly here today, …