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Shooting summer wildflowers

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Kevin McNeal

Kevin McNeal is a master at shooting wildflowers, as these photos attest. Here he discusses the one essential filter he uses for every one of his wildflower scenes and why. With summer comes the arrival of wildflowers, in all their glory. In my experience, one of the most challenging aspects of nature photography is successfully shooting wildflowers. But nothing is more rewarding when the outcome is what you’ve tried to achieve. I’ve made many mistakes over the past few years …

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A perspective on filters… I’ve got hiking boots that cost more than most of them!

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios, Wildlife by Steve Kossack

We welcome Singh-Ray’s most prolific blogger back to our new blog! Steve shares his perspective on using filters and setting priorities when it comes to the quality of your images. Each of my Singh-Ray filters is actually among the least expensive elements in my photo gear. Not only do I have hiking boots that cost more than most of them, almost everything I’m carrying does, from my backpack to my camera gear. And pound for pound, they deliver the best …

George Lepp Letter

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A note from George Lepp Like most photographers, I used less expensive lenses and accessories when I began photographing nature subjects 40 years ago; I pushed them to the max to deliver the best results they could offer. My first filters were probably as good as my lenses, but as I moved to Canon’s top-of-the-line pro gear, I also upgraded my filters to Singh-Ray. It made no sense to buy the best lenses available and top themm off with a …

Shoot Better Black & White with Singh-Ray Filters

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More and more digital shooters are discovering how they can create dramatic, impactful black & white images with a variety of Singh-Ray filters, including the Mor-Slo, Vari-ND, Color Intensifier, Gold-N-Blue Polarizer, ColorCombo Polarizer and Graduated NDs. Here’s what some pro photographers have said regarding the use of Singh-Ray Filters for black & white photography…   Cole Thompson Black & White Photography w/ Vari-ND & Mor-Slo “To create my long exposure images, I use a Singh-Ray Vari-ND filter and stack a second …

Tips & Techniques

In by Sean Widker

View some of our favorite articles by top pros using our filters. We’ve organized them by product to make it easy to learn more and become a Singh-Ray Filter master! Mor-Slo™ Solid Neutral Density Filters Jason Odell shoots very long exposures with his Mor-Slo ND filters Tony Sweet’s field report on the ‘incredible” 15-stop Mor-Slo ND Alec Johnson records the dramatic beauty along the North Shore of Lake Superior Tony Sweet demonstrates the use of three Singh-Ray filters essential to …

Why Singh-Ray

In by admin

Why buy Singh-Ray over less expensive filters? All filters are not the same. Many of the differences are obvious in both image and product quality, while others are more subtle. Singh-Ray uses the highest quality optical glass, comparable to that used by NASA, combined with our proprietary design and finishing. We use the same optical resin used in the finest prescription eyeglass lenses. Each of our filters is handcrafted and inspected here in the U.S. The result is a level …

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Take a look back at a great year with Singh-Ray filters

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Don Smith

Dawn at Hanalei Bay, Kauai, Hawaii Canon 5DMKIII, 24mm, 6 minutes, f/16, ISO 100, Singh-Ray Vari-N-Duo Looking back at 2013, I was fortunate to photograph incredible landscapes from Eastern Utah to Hawaii and many places in-between. Of course, my Singh-Ray filters were always with me and are an integral part of my success. During my Kauai Workshop this past June, I had my group on location at Hanalei Bay for first light. I love the soft hues of early morning …

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For a change of pace, shoot ABOVE the surface of Hawaii’s coastal waters

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Jon Cornforth

To follow the ventures of nature photographer Jon Cornforth over the past couple of years, you would need a boatload of scuba and underwater photogear. “Photographing the lives of all the various whales and other underwater wildlife has demanded almost all my time and attention. But there are those brief occasions when I have time to use my Canon 5DmkIII with Zeiss lenses and Singh-Ray Filters to capture some impressive scenes above water. Here are four recent examples. I photographed …

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Visiting Denali National Park at just the right time to join the 30 percent club

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios, Special Events by Steve Kossack

Not since my 45 RPM record collection dominated my life during the 50’s and 60’s have I been as interested in gathering information and experiencing a subject in as much detail as I now give to our National Parks system. The parks and the landscapes they present were the reason I returned to school in the 80’s to learn the art of photography, but I had no idea I would spend so much time in them. The green of the …

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Explaining why LB Neutral Polarizer is almost always a good filter!

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Greg Miller

This is my part of the natural world, and I can feast on all the natural beauty around me for years to come. But there have been many more decisions I have made to assure success as an outdoor photographer — including the decision to use Singh-Ray filters. I’d like to talk a bit about the one filter that, as a landscape photographer, is almost always on my lens. That filter is the Singh-Ray LB Neutral Polarizer. Many photographers only …