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Sunrise at the Coffee Flats Schoolhouse

In Equipment & Technique, ND Filters by George Wilson

Waking one September morning well before the sun, I headed out to the intersection of Highland and Rocky Ford at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary with a thermos of coffee and a few breakfast bars. This year I was spending only two weeks in this prime South Dakota real estate. All of the roads here are dirt, dotted with cattle guards, potholes, and a few washouts. I would actually drive on pavement for just one hour during my visit …

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Waterfall Polarizer

In Polarizing Filters, Water Features by Bryan Hansel

The Singh-Ray Bryan Hansel Waterfall Polarizer When photographing waterfalls, one of the popular looks is to make the water look silky. On the waterfall workshops I teach, it’s the most sought-after effect to learn. Photographers love the look and being able to achieve the silky look brings a smile to a photographer’s face. The look also changes the emotional impact of your shot. With the silky look, the image feels more peaceful and calming which is one of the emotions …

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Two Must-have Filters for Traveling Photographers

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios, UV Filters, Water Features by Jay Dickman

Travel is becoming harder these days, especially for the globe-trotting photographer.  Packed planes, clients that want you to fly coach, lessening overhead space in addition to many airlines charging for what was once a given on flights, that space over your seat in which to place your gear. Over the past years, I’ve been working on reducing my “footprint” of gear, you can read my blog piece, “Traveling Light” to further explore that idea of minimizing to maximize. Having said …

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Creeks and Waterfalls Captured all in Camera

In Equipment & Technique, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios, Water Features by Randall J. Hodges

I love shooting creek and waterfalls. I love hiking along creeks and rivers listening to the magical sounds of the flowing waters as they drown out the rest of the world leaving me in the moment along the beautiful forest trails of the Pacific Northwest. I do most of this type of shooting in the spring or fall, and I prefer overcast skies for balanced light, giving me awesome colors and crisp white waters. My second choice would be shade …

FREE Monthly Webinar Series!

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Join us for a new educational and informative webinar each month. We partner with professional photographers, teachers and artists to plan and present our monthly topics. Register now to join live or receive a link to the recorded session after the live presentation has ended. Upcoming Webinars Recorded Webinars Live Presentation held September 28th, 2023 | 7 PM ETAutumn’s Palette: Capturing Acadia’s Beauty Through Singh-Ray Filters w/ Colleen Miniuk Join us as self-proclaimed “Corporate-America-escapee,” renowned photographer, author, instructor, and motivational …

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Thinking outside the box: photographing lightning with solid ND filters

In Equipment & Technique, ND Filters by Kristen Westlake

Lightning storms capture the attention of just about everyone. Bolts catapulted through the sky are spectacular to view and dangerous to be too close to. While most prefer to view grand shows of lightning from the safety of their abodes, some of us chase the radar in pursuit of the perfect scene against the perfect storm. Though lightning contrasts dramatically against the night time sky, my preference is the appearance of lightning at dusk. The lightning becomes a part of the …

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Is There a Perfect Aperture for Landscape Photography?

In Landscapes, Scenes & Scenarios by Don Smith

The sun sets into Pacific Ocean fog as seen from Fremont Peak State Park, elevation 3,169 feet, Gabilan Mountain Range, California. Sony a7RII, Canon 11-24mm, f/16, 1/4th, 100 ISO. How often do you think about your aperture choice? There is an old saying amongst photojournalists: F/8 and be there! Many amateur landscape photographers seem to think f/16 is the popular choice. If one thinks about maximizing depth-of-field, then their thinking is correct. But when should one use f/22? Is that …

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“All-in-camera, old school photography” with digital cameras, Part 3

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, ND Filters, Polarizing Filters, Wildlife by Randall J. Hodges

In this third installment, I’d like to drill down further into the “Digital Rolls of Film” process that I rely on, show you a few images and explain the filters and settings I used to create each image entirely in the camera – with less than one minute each of post-processing time! Silver Falls in Golden and Silver Falls State Natural Area in Oregon. F/22 @ 1 sec. -1 stop Exposure Compensation, ISO 50, 67mm with Singh-Ray LB Circular Warming Polarizer. …

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Tips For Better Wildflower Images – Part 2

In Equipment & Technique, Landscapes, Polarizing Filters, Scenes & Scenarios by Don Smith

Tip #6 – Auto ISO Most new digital cameras are now offering Auto ISO. I find, when photographing wildflowers and fighting a relentless breeze, that this feature can save the day and really allow me to concentrate on my composition. I first tried this feature last March in the hills of southern Washington. I was working on a sunset shoot with some Balsamroot and Lupine. I had envisioned catching a sun star as the sun lowered on a nearby hill. …