After spending my entire photography career shooting sports, 25 years at Sports Illustrated, switching gears to landscape photography came with a new series of challenges, one being the use of filters.

When I was out on assignment shooting off a tripod was never a consideration and I rarely used a shutter speed under 1000, now a tripod is essential and I’m using up too 30 second exposures and beyond.

I just returned from a scouting trip to Ireland looking to put a workshop in place for 2023 and while there I put the Singh-Ray 5 and 10stop Mor-Slo filters to work. In Northern Ireland, the Causeway coast provided me with the perfect landscape locations like The Giants Causeway, Fanad Light House, Crohy Sea Arch, and any number of spots along the rugged Irish coast.

At the end of the trip, I could not have been more pleased with the images.

Ronald C. Modra